Blood sweat and Treason - Henry Olonga
I am doing a competition on
facebook that will allow you the chance to win a copy of my up coming book Blood,sweat and treason. You will need to be my friend to take part of course.
The competition is simple. Download the mp3 file on my wall and make your own version of Our Zimbabwe and the winner gets to own the book and few other things thrown in. There will be runner up prizes as well so get cracking.
All the best and have fun – passion is more important than quality
Filed under: Books, Events by admin
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This coming week is going to be a very hectic week as we build up to the launch of my book Blood sweat and treason!
I have so much going on now. I will be holding a competition on my facebook page. I will upload an mp3 backtrack that people will then lay a vocal over.
Good luck!!!!!!
Filed under: Books, Events, Henry's Music by admin
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Well guys – one more week to pre – order and the free mp3 download ends I am afraid. I may run another promotion but we will wait and see.
Buy it now

Blood sweat and Treason - Henry Olonga
Filed under: Books, Events by admin
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Blood sweat and Treason - Henry Olonga

PRE ORDER now and recieve a FREE Aurelia download.
Sports book meets real-life thriller in this sensational autobiography of Henry Olonga, the former Zimbabwean cricketer whose black armband protest against Robert Mugabe at the 2003 World Cup saw him branded a traitor, accused of treason in his absence and forced to dramatically flee his homeland and his family.
Blood, Sweat And Treason tells the story of Olonga’s childhood, of his gradual realisation that he was living in a country ruled by a dictator, of his battle to reach the top as a black cricketer and, ultimately, how he sacrificed that position to do something that he hoped would make a difference.
Henry Olonga put his life at risk, but he got the chance to make a new life in England. In this incredible book he tells his extraordinary story in pin-point detail, leaving nothing to the imagination.
ISBN: 9781905326815
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
Size: 325 x 150
Weight: 740grammes
Illustrations: 8pp Plate section
Filed under: Books, Events, Spiritual, Sport by admin
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