Next few months
busy busy busy.
New album,new music videos,new gallery,new cricket season.Stay posted and we will keep you updates right here.
busy busy busy.
New album,new music videos,new gallery,new cricket season.Stay posted and we will keep you updates right here.
I was asked by one of the organisers (Wolfy)of a borough wide church meeting to make a short video of ‘the Lord’s prayer’ in various areas of the borough.This will be shown at the Hammersmith town hall in about a couple of weeks.
I went out with a nice cast and we filmed in a few local locations.I will update this post with the finished video when it is done.This time I left the SGblade and the HFS10 behind but instead opted for the Sony SR11 and the portable Cineform recorder.Attached to a Gorillapod the setup was nice and portable and no tripod was used.Made for a nice change.This setup also did not attract too much attention either so the smaller the package is the more discreet the shooting and I loved that today.I have updated my cineform recorder as well so it is more robust now.Man tyhe number of times I wished it was a light portable GH1 – recording to cineform.
For those who may be interested – I did a religious programme on the BBC recently called all things considered and basically tell a few of the things I have experienced in my busy little life..
Check it out the podcast here
During my search for a solution for the dilemma of the poor codec implemented by Panasonic on the new Lumix GH1,( I tend to be rather particular about video quality ) I have discovered that there is a video on Panasonic’s own website that shows that the G1 (non- video) can possibly output live video out of the AV port.
Check this video of the little non-video G1 cam out guys…..the little brother of the Panasonic Lumix GH1.
1 minute 24 seconds.Did you see that????It is connected to an HDTV and I believe it may be via HDMI ( 3 minutes 21 seconds ).It may be composite but I don’t know as it is hard to make out in such a small video.It may well be SD or even HD.Either way – I went to my local Jessops ( a camera shop here in the UK ) to see if I could get it to output a live signal and guess what – nothing.Twice I have tried to do so but failed.But surely this means that the camera is capable of doing this as shown in this video but we know not how.There is no hiding it now is there?The G1 outputs live video…..but Pana may have disabled it for the rest of us.I can see why though – uncompressed HDMI on this little puppy would open up a whole new world of independent film-making for the rest of us.
Edit : Just discovered that it is actually the AV port and it is done by pressing the trash can button for a few seconds.
video 1920×1080 made with Lumix G1 (noooot GH1 !) from Bauern Bua on Vimeo.
Seems like the camera outputs SD to an external monitor.That may not produce a bad picture but it is too small for HD production.Even if it output through the HDMI port it may just be a copy of the LCD display resolution.
Well after a week of sifting through code like you cannot believe – I finally have the site up and away.Had to make changes to accomodate all the new info.Hope you like it.
Well you may have noticed the new design.A very talented web designer Paul Cowley did this in case you were wondering.
Title: Alpha Dinner
Location: St James Prarade, Bath, BA1 1UG
Description: Dinner followed by guset speaker
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2009-04-27
End Time: 21:30
Title: Outreach Event
Location: The Vine Christian Center, Bridgend, South Wales, CF31 1LY
Description: Interview and gospel message
Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2009-04-29
End Time: 21:30
In fact it has been confirmed that it doesn’t even have live SD composite out.So there is no way to externally monitor at all. Oh well – back to my HFS10 I go……mind you I am not complaining it is a beauty.And onward and upward until the Red Scarlet arrives.