For all the Zimbos out there – I have been invited back to Zimfest this year thanks to the team at ‘We Zimbabwe’. I will be giving a short talk on the Friday and also signing books and singing on the Saturday fingers crossed… hope to see you there – 3rd and 4th of September – details to follow
Sometime before this year is over I vow – fingers crossed – to do a new release of ‘Our Zimbabwe‘. The orchestration was mainly done by Andy Wright who has produced Simply Red, Pavarotti and many others. He has given it a fresh take and to my ears anyway, it sounds wonderful……….
I will also include Nkosi Sikelela in the release
You can also order the original Our Zimbabwe in mp3 format quickly as a download using Paypal here
This is an interview I did with a fascinating man. Watch the full series here. This story is about a Zimbabwean man who lived a nightmare until only recently……….