Errata – Blood Sweat and Treason
Hi guys,
There is a factual error in my book ‘Blood sweat and treason – My story’ that requires correction. Unfortunately my memory failed to accurately recall what happened on one particular occasion. I apologise for my unintentional inaccurate representation of the facts. The incident did happen 14 years earlier and I was going completely on my own recollection. I have since been pointed to footage that corroborates exactly what happened and feel that I need to correct the record.
On page 106 of the original hardback version, I incorrectly wrote that I ran Nick Knight out in the drawn Bulawayo test match of 1996.
The facts are that prior to the last ball 3 runs were required to surpass the total and although a boundary was required, the ball was fielded by Grant Flower who duly ran Darren Gough out to leave the scores level. Nick Knight was stranded on 96. So to
Bring clarity, I was not the one who fielded the final ball although I had still made a mental miscalculation by one run.
I apologise to cricket lovers and in particular to Grant Flower for this misrepresentation.
Henry Olonga