Hey Guys, just thought I would let you all know that my book Blood, sweat and treason , my story , is now in paperback format. I have been truly humbled by the reponse to my autobiography. It has been nominated for three British book awards in the last 11 months ( never won though ) and I have very positive feedback from people who have read it. So thank you all for supporting me and I really hope that you have found my story worth reading. Thanks to the media and my publishers as well who have been wonderful in their support.
The paperback edition and also the newest hardcopy has an extra chapter bringing everything up to date so if you haven’t yet purchased my book you can get extra. Waterstones have kindly offered to stock the book better this year so do support them if you get the chance.
Once in a while a kind soul says something really nice about my performances………..trust me – this is rare in modern Britain so I am truly humbled by such a wonderful review. Anyway – I was in Wales for a concert a while back and this is what they said.
Hey Everyone. This is a drums reverb for Nebula and it absolutely kicks some serious you know what when it comes to giving your drums a space. It has depth, 3D quality, power and life. Sampled at 96 khz this is a serious CPU hog but there are no compromises here. Sorry – if you have a slow computer – good luck. It also weighs in at 270 MBs so make sure you have plenty of RAM and a cutting edge computer.
Give your tracks dimension and depth that other reverbs cannot give. Distortion is also recorded so this will give your track power like nothing else. I hope you like it.
I really need to fix the preset as it was one of the first attempts at sampling but alas it is in the wild already. I must apologise to one and all who had the shock of their lives on loading it so after downloading and please apply this fix.
First turn the FX slider down to taste. From the nebula front page Click edit – top right corner. Click glob – third from left on the bottom. Click on the Pad out setting so it is highlighted. Adjust to -40 db using the second fader on the right ( or decide what the sweet spot is for you). Make sure that the Pad in setting is 0. That should buy you about 12 or so dbs.
If it is still too hot adjust the PAD in setting as well. Turn it down as much as needed.
Click exit. Click save – top right hand corner. Job done. . This works on a per preset basis of course and you can use it to adjsut other troublesome presets like some more of my ahem earlier presets attempts.
For all the Zimbos out there – I have been invited back to Zimfest this year thanks to the team at ‘We Zimbabwe’. I will be giving a short talk on the Friday and also signing books and singing on the Saturday fingers crossed… hope to see you there – 3rd and 4th of September – details to follow
This is an interview I did with a fascinating man. Watch the full series here. This story is about a Zimbabwean man who lived a nightmare until only recently……….