New Nebula Presets – The Console strip Pro
If you have ever wished you could get the API sound on a budget – look no further.
These are deliberately over the top for effect.
Get it here
If you have ever wished you could get the API sound on a budget – look no further.
These are deliberately over the top for effect.
Get it here
It’s gonna be a big one.
Sorry I have been quiet – that’s because I have been slaving to get through the coming soon section – New products out second/third week of July!! About 40 or more – for the high end,low end and everything in between hmmmmm. MONSTER summer sale as well.It’s been crazy here.
If you sign up for the newsletter and register on the website you will get discounts and I have installed a rewards aspect to the site as well so you can earn loyalty points over time and points can be redeemed to buy products. Not configured yet but in the pipeline so you may find it in your interests to set up an account if you don’t normally.And use one account as well if you use different e-mails.
Here are a few bones from the series. 1 preset per pack, full quality for you to try. Mainly from the amp series which will have 11 amps in total and 24 unique presets per pack. Should work with Nebula free – if not let me know… :D. Get using the G-drive – remember it has a 60 Db range. Don’t just go for the hot end.
Ampeg Reverberocket
Fender Champ 600
Fender Twin Reverb
Messa Boogie MK4
Marshall Haze 40
Vox AC30
Roland Jazz Chorus 120
Bass Amps
Ampeg Portaflex
Trace Elliot
Hardware – 8 perspectives
Earthworks QTC50 ( Matched pair ) into Broadhurst gardens BG1. 5cm and 15 cm from cab.
Earthworks M-50 into GML 8302. 40 cm from cab.
Nady RSM6 into Tube MP. 25 cm from cab.
SM57 into Safesound P1. 5 cm from cab.
Josephson C42 ( Matched pair ) into GML 8302. 25 and 40 cm from cab.
Neumann KM184 into BAE 1073. 4 cm from cab
Copy the files into your nebula repository
Check out my stuff at . I have q-clone presets and the most astonishing Nebula presets on offer. If you want to buy more than £30 worth of stuff just e-mail me on sales ( at )
You will pay only about £18 in total.
Say hello to a new way of mixing.
Take care.
We are now up to 28 products. Hopefully reach a hundred by the end of the year. Get your nebula programs here and also your presets for super fast and also high quality mixing
Just in case you may have missed my movements in the last few weeks, I have just launched a new website to sell my book and another for my nebula presets.
My books new website is easy to follow as it is the title of the book…..Blood, sweat and treason
My nebula presets website is equally easy to find. Get your nebula programs and presets here and say hello to a new way of mixing…..Nebula Presets
If you have ever downloaded my nebula presets, you may have heard that I have become a third party developer for Acustica Nebula. This is a fantastic opportunity. I have just launched my new website and it is called
Go on over and have a look. Upgrade your audio experience. All the best
Into the new year with a free new Valve distortion preset. This is the sampling of a compressor that sits on my two buss some of the time. Sampled at 24 bit 96 khz through Prismsound Orpheus, it is a faithful representation of the compressor’s sound IMHO. 10 Kernels so you better have a beefy CPU!!!!! I have not sampled it as a compressor but as a pre. Not the most revered of Comps (T__eL) but gives your digital mixes a nice analog warmth. I replaced the ageing valves with valves from Watford valves. These were deep cryogenically treated and sound awesome on individual tracks and even full mixes for mastering (for adding a nice warm glow). Sampled for use at 0 dbfs – within reason of course. The valves sampled were Phillips Jan 12AX7WA. Nice enhancing to the mid range – slightly forward, it has excellent dynamics and nice oozing lows.A word on the high end. It gives a nice valve sheen but be careful on already bright stuff as it may get frizzy quick. Perfect for dull stuff needing a bit of a lift. Having said that do enjoy this Nebula recreation to help you attain true analog ITB sound.
Depending on your source I am convinced that one instance of valve distortion followed by my Power distortion plugin will make you smile.
I was selling this in my shop but took it down because I am moving to a new shop soon. You can have it for free as a welcome to 2012 gift. Do give me some feedback.
Get it here Valve distortion
Also try my new FREE Mastering tools for Q-clone – these add presence and tightness to your tracks and work VERY well with the Nebula free presets. Place them at the start of the chain
For even more control over the colour of your mixes and for quick mixing – consider combining my free Nebula distortion presets with the wonderful curves of Q-clone – I have some libraries that will give you instant mix options with lower CPU usage than just using Nebula exclusively.
Henry Olonga’s libraries for Q-clone
Have fun!!!